Gamma Nu Lambda Chapter
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Gamma Nu Lambda Chapter
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Churches for Urban Ministry
Since 1979, Churches for Urban Ministry has been sharing God’s love through a coalition of churches and individuals.. Their mission is to strengthen the quality of life (physical, spiritual, social and educational) of children, youth and families living in the inner city of Lynchburg, Virginia.
Gamma Nu Lambda Chapter
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Community Mountain
The emphasis behind Community Mountain is to provide a 'one stop station' for people in our community to find resources for the needs they have whether that be homelessness, hunger, addiction, child care, etc., all through personal relationships.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
The mission of Freedom 424 is to "bring freedom and justice to victims and survivors of sexual exploitation and trafficking through providing awareness and education and expanding the work of our partners.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
The mission of Freedom 424 is to "bring freedom and justice to victims and survivors of sexual exploitation and trafficking through providing awareness and education and expanding the work of our partners.
Gamma Nu Lambda Chapter
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Jack spends his days producing music for local artists and corporations and planning and DJing events in the Lynchburg area His network’s slogan is “taking local global.”
He provides micro financing to farmers in Haiti, and his ultimate dream is to help the people there find a way to develop solutions for clean water. MG Productions also donates a portion of revenue from every show to Centre Chrétien de l’Enfant Haïtien, the Haitian orphanage that his mother started when she was just 21 years old.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
One Community One Voice
the mission of One Community, One Voice is "to rebuild our community through partnerships with area communities of faith, public and private sector organizations, and the community policing effort. Our example and leadership will inspire change, empowerment, pride, and ownership in each community member. Through healing efforts and building relationships we are working to raise families and individuals out of poverty, improve access to educational and human services, and restore a sense of belonging, hope, and engagement."
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Virginia Cares
Virginia CARES is all about leading a state-wide network of reentry programs that reduces recidivism, promotes public safety and provides supportive services to assist returning citizens to lead successful lives.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Love heals is all about "demonstrating Jesus Christ’s love to local communities. We promote powerful stories of faith and overcoming by finding Christ-centered individuals who are willing to share their story of faith, hope, and love. This is done by creating special nights of music and celebration designed to help ease financial burdens. We pursue a level of excellence in our shows in order to inspire, encourage, and display God’s love to those who attend."